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Identify and invest in exceptional renewable energy infrastructure projects to maximize investor returns while simultaneously mitigating the harmful environmental costs externalities caused by traditional energy generation in order to bring renewable energy to each community at affordable prices.



Over the past ten years, prevailing trends within the global energy industry have reinforced the need for and accelerated the adoption of clean renewable energy. Underpinning this movement are three primary global challenges: increased energy consumption, resource scarcity, and pollution. With developing nations around the world enjoying higher average living standards, the rising demand for increasingly scarce fossil fuel energy resources poses a very serious risk to geopolitical stability and human welfare. Exacerbating this problem are the external costs associated with land and air contamination caused by traditional fossil fuel energy generation. Government incentives have helped to level the playing field between renewables and fossil fuels in the past, but now it is the private sector that is taking the lead in deploying large-scale renewable energy infrastructure. Torchplus Capital has positioned itself to not only capitalize on this inevitable transition, but to accelerate the process as well.



Torchplus Capital combines industry expertise, strategic partnerships, and financial investment capital to target and execute profitable investments within the renewable energy sector.

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